Journals and magazines

Kniga v Prostranstve Kul’tury (Book in the Space of Culture)
A supplement to the ’Library Science’ journal

Bibliotechnoe Delo — XXI vek (Library Science — XXI century)
A supplement to the Bibliotekovedenije (Library Science) journal

Mediateka i Mir (Mediatheque and the World)
A joint project of RSL, the Embassy of France in Russia and the Mediateka of French Culture Centre in Moscow

"Newsletter of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions" Journal
A research and practical periodical

Vostochnaya Kollektsiya (Oriental Collection)
Journal covers history subjects, essays on culture, recent translations and travelers’ accounts

Vestnik Bibliotechnoj Assamblei Evrazii (Herald of the Library Assambly of Eurasia)
A research and practical journal

Observatoria Kulturi (Observatory of Culture)
The journal addresses specialists in history, theory and modern state of culture

Bibliotekovedenie (Library and Information Science)
A full-colour illustrated journal on research and practices in the field of library management and book trade